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termination of pregnancy中文是什么意思

用"termination of pregnancy"造句"termination of pregnancy"怎么读"termination of pregnancy" in a sentence


  • 妊娠终止
  • 终止妊娠


  • Abortion induced termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or fetus that is incapable of survival
  • Impact of prenatal detection and termination of pregnancy on prevalence of birth defects in europe
  • Discussion of the time and method of termination of pregnancy in 115 cases with pregnancy - induced hypertension syndrome
  • To compare the screen - and - treat versus universal prophylactic antibiotics regimen for prevention of re - infection in women requesting termination of pregnancy
  • Compare the screen - and - treat versus universal prophylactic antibiotics regimen for prevention of re - infection in women requesting termination of pregnancy
  • Article 45 during the period of pregnancy , within one year after childbearing or within 6 months after termination of pregnancy of a woman , her husband shall not apply for divorce
  • To compare the strategies of universal prophylaxis versus screen - and - treat in reducing infective complications and re - infection in first trimester termination of pregnancy
  • Based on the data from a survey on 606 women who sought the termination of pregnancy in three maternal and children health care centers of shanghai city , we analyzed the reasons of unwanted pregnancy and the percentage of predictable pregnancy
  • Result ( s ) : there were three women complicated with sepsis and septic shock , and all of them had adverse pregnancy outcome , including one preterm labor at 30 weeks ' gestation , one intrauterine fetal death at 23 weeks ' gestation and one termination of pregnancy due to preterm premature rupture of membrane at 27 weeks ' gestation
用"termination of pregnancy"造句  
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